D.C. Wolfe School

James Beacher Jr.






Healthy Tips

 *Parents decide which foods to buy & serve

*Quit the "clean plate club"

*Drink water and milk 


 Set a Goal
*Be a role model and eat healthy yourself
*Limit television and computer time
*Use hugs, attention, & praise for rewards instead of food  
Fitness Skills
*Cardiovascular endurance

Kindergarten - First Grade Activities
*Eye-Hand Coordination
*Tumbling Skills
*Soccer Skills
Second - Sixth Grade Activities
*Team Sports Skills
*Flag football  

Every student has a chance to be in this club! The requirements are the following:
*100% participation in P.E. class
*No notes brought to class to be excused
*No check-outs during or before P.E.


P. E. Central

Alabama Course of Study Physical Education






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