Notasulga High School

Ms. Mauldin - Science

Welcome to the World of Science!


Baker, Ernest Lamont

Bridges, Frankquon Jay Shawn

 Dawson, Camden Logan

Foster, Jabari Kaison

Gaillard, Kya Alexis

 Harris, Tatyonna Nicole

McCullough, Ashley B

 Moon, Ermya Irene

 Moore, Jakavian L

Ogletree, Makia Alice

 Pitts, Jamia

Thomas, JaQuavian Labraum

Wright, Kwandeja Saniah

I ask that all students follow all classroom rules: among the most important are bringing all materials to class everyday, always completing homework assignments, and never using a cell phone during class.

 I believe that every child that enters the classroom can succeed at some occupational endeavor.  As a teacher, it is my duty to help students reach their full potential and gain the knowledge and skills that they will require in their daily lives to become a productive member of society.  Teaching should be a joy and students should be accountable for their learning and behavior. I also believe that students should take responsibility for their decisions and actions.  As a teacher, I will help my students acquire the communication skills, problem solving skills, and critical thinking skills that will enable them to be life-long learners. I help them learn to use resources to as a key search engine and not depend on the knowledge of friends or classmates for answers.  I believe students should learn to be independent, yet have the skills necessary to work productively in teams.  I feel that students should demonstrate respect, honesty, responsibility and a desire for learning.


I will work to incorporate new findings and technological advances. In order to keep material relevant, it is important to stay up-to-date and use the most current and accurate information. This is especially important in science and technology classrooms because these two fields are advancing quickly. With the acquisition of new technologies, I will attempt to incorporate activities that will allow students to research, explore and publish using the ipads.  I believe that every student should be treated as an individual and that every individual deserves excellence in education.

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