Macon County Schools
Career Tech is Working!
WRITTEN BY Melvin Lowe ON December 20, 2012

On December 18, 2012 the Career and Technical Education Programs' Division celebrated one cause; Collaboration. In attendance were Career Tech Teachers from all of our secondary schools, Support Staff, and Representative Pebblin Warren. All were present and excited to celebrate our working together as we move Career and Technical Education in Macon County to greater heights.

Rep. Warren spoke towards Career Development, Workforce Readiness, and Job Embedded Teaching and Learning Skills to include College Readiness. All were well addressed topics which reflect on the lives of many of our CT Staff  who hold first and second careers based on their multiple skills readiness/academic credentials. This is exactly what we challenge our students to achievement; skills which lead to professional employment. The delicious menu was provided by our School Nutrition Program - Tuskegee Institute Middle Schools which is an extension career choice from our Family and Consumer Science Programs.

Dr. Lowe gave a program overview of his expectations for the department since his appointment as Education Coordinator on last summer. "We must re-educate the community that Vocational Education is now Career Tech. These are NEW Jobs leading to Stable and Equitable Careers for ALL People. This is no longer an isolated choice for job training and employment. It is now a open option for everyone, not just minorities and rural communities".

As we fellow shipped with each other, we also remember those who are no longer with us. We will never forget the reason for the season. Love, Hope, Joy, and Peace and how it should be shared constantly and without ceasing. This is what we expect of ourselves and others, in short we expect it of our students. Again, on behalf of the entire department we extend you Holiday Greetings.

Career and Technical Education - Learning That Works In Alabama.......
