Macon County Schools

Curriculum and Instruction-Elementary

"People can be encouraged to change, but if the structure of the system in which the individuals work

does not support them or allow enough flexibility, improvement efforts will fail.

Similarly, if the organization's governance, policies, structures, time frames, and resource allocation are changed

but the individuals within the organization do not have opportunities to learn how to work within the new system,

the improvement effort will fail."

- Todnem & Warner (1994)

As educators settle in to the school year routines, they are encouraged to participate in the professional development opportunities made available through the school year. Additionally, they are invite to get involved in district level-committees that help shape the way things get done. Always remember that we must continuously develop ourselves professionally. We must model for our students that we are life-long learners.

For additional professional development opportunities, be sure to log on to our official professional development registration site at STI PD.

District-sponsored professional development opportunities may be found by clicking Professional Development Calendar. You may register for all local PD by logging on to STI PD.

You may also wish to take advantage of online learning classes at eLearning.

Other professional learning activities may be found by visiting the following websites:

Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools (CLAS)

School Superintendent's of Alabama (SSA)

Alabama Education News Bulletin (including opportunities offered by Edvantia)

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