Macon County Schools
AHSGE: An Assessment of the Past
WRITTEN BY Venesia McClaney ON September 30, 2012


Phasing out of Alabama High School Graduation Exam

Click Here for complete content of Memos from Dr. Bice, State Superintendent.

A MUST-READ for Parents!

Taken from Memo by Dr. Bice, State Superintendent:

On September 10, 2009, the State Board of Education voted unanimously on a resolution that included phasing out the Alabama High School Graduation Exam (AHSGE) and replacing it with end-of-course tests.   Systems were notified that the 2011-12 first-time ninth graders would be the last cohort required to pass the AHSGE in order to receive a diploma.

As was presented to the State Board of Education at Tuesday's meeting, the dates for phasing out the AHSGE and beginning end-of-course assessments have been modified.   As a result, first-time ninth graders of 2011-12 (tenth grade class of 2012-13) will NOT be required to take or pass the AHSGE as a diploma requirement.  First-time ninth graders of 2010-11 (eleventh grade class of 2012-13) will now be the last cohort required to pass the AHSGE as a diploma requirement.

End-of-course tests will be administered for the first time in 2012-13 and will include English 9, English 10, Algebra I, geometry, and biology.  Any student enrolled in courses for which an end­ of-course  assessment  is  scheduled  will  take  these  end-of-course  tests  even  if  they  have previously taken the AHSGE.  Results for this first year of end-of-course tests will be utilized for instructional purposes and for establishing baseline data only.  There will be no high-stakes consequences  for students or for schools based on the end-of-course tests administered in 2012-13.
